Stroke Testimony: The God who is Ahead of the Game
The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”
Deuteronomy 31:8
With everything that is swirling in the air, sometimes everything can feel overwhelming.
But when I look back at the difficult times in the past, and how these difficult times have been turned into beautiful testimonies by the brilliant love and hand of God. It only brought a deeper intimacy and wondrous awe in who He truly is. Here is one of the moments how God took a situation and turned it around.
On April 15, 2018, I remember receiving the alarming phone call. It was only half-hour after my father left for work that we found out he got a stroke while he was driving.
With his slurring voice, he told us over the phone that he managed to drive through the highway and parked the car at work safely while the stroke occurred. He collapsed the moment he got out of the car and someone saw him and was able to get help. There was also freezing rain that day.
After hearing this, I remember feeling tempted to panic. But I looked over to my mom and it was the unction of the Holy Spirit who reminded me of the breakthrough that I just had that very same day before this new storm occurred, that I realize this is one of the tactics of the enemy. The thief that attempted came to to steal the joy of the "breakthrough" that God had given. With all brakes to the emotions, I ran to Abba Father in the secret place and began praying.
I asked Father God for His perspective on the situation because I knew He just came through for another situation. As I quiet myself in His presence.
I heard the gentle voice that Abba God, who told me:
"Be still and Wait."
God's overwhelming peace came into my heart. I was encouraged by His words, and I cling to these words like there was no tomorrow. When I heard the word "wait", I knew God was on the move.
The fact that my earthly father managed to drive on the highway while having a stroke was a miracle. Not only that, he also parked himself at work right before his body collapsed. This is also another miracle. It is truly the grace and mercy of God that my dad was able to make it safely. But the journey to recovery only started.
What the devil meant for evil, God turns it for good.
God is just the essence of all goodness. There is no darkness in Him. I am truly grateful for the comfort and His presence at the time. But it gets better.
Now, to give you a little more context, 2018 was the year I went to the hospital the most. My grandma went to the hospital multiple times as well. But through that process, God taught me how He was speaking to me using specific signs that was at the hospital. Because of that, I began to see the brilliant hands of God as my dad was admitted in the hospital. My dad was sent to floor 7, in room number 727. His IV check was "777".
I saw the number sevens everywhere. It also just happen that the same day, I just came from church service that talked about the story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5. He was a man with leprosy and was told to wash himself in the Jordan river "seven" times to receive healing. (see 2 Kings 5:14)
I took photos and noted every moments whenever God spoke to me, as encouragement and how God was reassuring His faithfulness during the "waiting" period. Soon my dad made speedy recovery and was sent to rehabilitation. I kept holding on to the fact that God said "Be still and wait." He was still working. He is still unfolding His master plan. His faithfulness occurred so many times. It will take pages to describe every detail.
During this time, I was so encouraged by God's faithfulness, in the midst of the process. I decided to produce a video of all the signs and the journey of recovery, to show my dad and my family of God's faithful hands in the process. How God was with him and with all of us. With this video, I found this song that goes perfectly with the theme of God's words. It was called "Be Still" by Hillsong. There were tears and an overwhelming change that occurred in my family. Only God can restore and bring deep healing. During my meditation time, God showed me this:
Psalm 37:7
Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him; fret not yourself
over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil
-insert inner mind bomb explosions emoji here- 💥💗💘😭
...but wait, there is still one more thing the Lord decided to add.
Months later, I came across the song "Be Still" that I used for the video on youtube. As I was reminiscing God's faithfulness, the Holy Spirit interrupted my thoughts and He said:
"Check the date of the video. :) "
April 15, 2018 was the exact date when this whole incident occur.
It was also the same day that God told me to "Be still and Wait."
It was the day that God also saved my dad from any potential car accident.
It also just happened to be the exact same song I used for the video.
This is the God of the Universe. This is His brilliance. This is only a one part of His grander picture. This is HIS FAITHFULNESS. He was already ahead of the game. This is the God who is solid and whom we can put our trust in. This is the God who loves us dearly. This is the awesome faithful God. He is so faithful, let me re share His word again.
The Lord is
the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you
or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”
Deuteronomy 31:8
So if you feel like you are going through something difficult, know this, that the same God who helped me and manifest such brilliancy in my life is no respecter of person. He will do the same for you. You are in one unraveling story where He's got a plan of hope and not of evil, for your future. Wait and trust as the unraveling hands of God work mightily.
This is why Jesus came :)
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