Iron Sharpens Iron: Sharpening Hearts - Truth & Love Revelation
As iron sharpens iron,
So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17
Oh Lord, I praise You for Your loving lesson.
For it was Truth & Love that was needed.
Truth cannot be without Love.
Love cannot be without the Truth.
They go hand in hand.
Like and Iron sharpening Iron,
The Love Iron is being sharpened to learn that it cannot be without the Truth.
The Truth Iron is being sharpened to learn that Love is a huge part of truth.
Love without truth can becoming mushy and there is no solidarity,
It will be easily tossed in the storm to conform into whatever it has been thrown to, it is not true love.
As Truth cannot do without love, for it will only become a clanging gong.
It will not profit anything without love.
How narrow is the path of life that the Lord has laid before us!
I am in awe and in wonder at the lesson I've learned, Lord.
You took all forms of clashes and disagreements and turn it to such a wondrous grace.
Something unpleasant transformed into your heart pace.
How incredibly grand is Your handiwork.
Your grand lessons that You have taught us.
Like an iron clashing with another iron.
It sparks tension and temptations of the flesh.
Misunderstanding and misconception comes from a place of not seeing clear.
The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
Matthew 6:22-23
But O Lord, I praise YOU!
For Your perspective is like a seed-bomb drop.
Coming in like a gentle droplet, but it's effects ripples healing and life far to wide.
It purifies and sanctifies every fiber of our being.
It fills the entirety of our being ( heart, mind, soul, body) with such purity.
Because it is Your heart that is so lovely.
Your heart that is so beautifully perfect.
Your love towards us is beyond expression.
Using multi-dimensional signs and moments,
When I fixated my eyes on Your Word of truth,
Standing on your Word, in the multi-layered battles that has come against the light within.
It is Christ who lives inside arises, as the self-reputation dies.
Building the solidarity within me, as blind spots being exposed.
Blind spots revealed on the others but, humbly I say in both!
When two iron comes clashing together, it is not just one that gets sharpen.
But both! For God, You love both sides, created in Your image.
But there needs a standard, a truth for righteousness prevails.
Oh how beautiful is Your lesson Oh Lord!
I praise You! Abba Father!
Thank you for Your loving kindness that disciplines Your sons and daughters.
That all the rough patches of our heart begin to be smoother and purified,
To be more like Your Begotten Son!
The Life of Christ within.
From the moment we gave our broken sinful lives away to You Lord,
You planted the Abraham's Seed within us.
And it is only increases within us, as we ourselves decrease.
Surrendering constantly, yielding to the double-sharpness of God's word,
As it clashes within our hearts,
It reveals the oldness of life to be burnt in the fire,
As we deny this oldness of life (deny ourselves), and pick up the cross and Follow Jesus.
Resurrection life will only follow.
That means more growth of the life of God within us!
Cost of the kernal wheat (John 12:24) , to stand and abide in Truth.
Abba Father, You began Your teachings from long ago.
Softly and gently already grinding away the old nature that is not our portion in Christ.
Oh but the battle was intense.
The intensity only comes from the fire that You were heating up.
Purifying and burning away every uncleanness.
As the Spirit man builds its muscles in standing up for truth,
The other iron is also revealing a side of You that I did not see before.
When standing for Your Truth Lord,
I can feel the unseen enemy's condemnation hammering down in guilt and shame for
causing a discord and a huge mess.
It was not my intention to gain any form of intense attention.
But in conviction, I know Your Truth of Your Word stands forever. (Isaiah 40:8)
And it was something that needed to be addressed.
I praise You Lord,
How amazing You are! For it is You Lord Jesus,
Who is the Truth and Love.
A beautiful intertwining paradox.
You are the life of such narrow path.
Thank you for showing the Ping Pong's of Your handiwork.
For it was not just a one way street, but a beautiful workings in two masterpieces.
The clashing may seem painful in the moment,
But it was out of Your loving heart, that You wanted to smooth out the rough.
That the multiplication of Jesus' life be multiplied within us.
How sweet is the fruit of peace and glory that is revealed!
The fragrance of Christ is an explosively beautiful waves of glory.
What manner of love that You bestow upon us Abba?
Like a refreshing waves of love, You washed over the multitudes of anxieties within.
Only God can work such miracles within our hearts.
To bring such great strength in the faith against the dark forces of evil.
Yet, our heart becoming more soft and tender, filled with Your love.
Filled with Your glorious humble being.
How incredible are You Oh Lord, to strengthen our hearts,
Yet it becomes so tender and soft filled with Your love?
Your life within us. What a treasure~
What a life~ Glorious God!
To be Holy as You are.
Such joy cannot be express.
It is worth the surrender.
Nor they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Hebrews 12: 10-11
You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11
Orgin date: 09/07/2020
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